#!/usr/bin/perl # # ICQ99b-2000b -> KXicq2 contact list converter # # This program was written for and tested on # KXicq2 0.7.6 and 2000b database # # (c)2002 Patrik Westerlund <patves-7@sm.luth.se> # This program is released under the terms of the GPL. # # Thanks to Erwin Aitenbichler I've borrowed lots of code from # his licq.winconverter # $path=(getpwuid($<))[7]."/.kde/share/apps/kxicq2/"; $fnUsers=$path."contacts.kxicq"; $verbose=1; $|=1; @fieldNames=("UIN","MyDefinedHandle","NickName","FirstName","LastName","PrimaryEmail"); @values=(); foreach $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg eq "-q") { $verbose=0; } elsif ($arg eq "-v") { $verbose=2; } else { $fn=$arg; } } if (!defined($fn)) { print STDERR "\nsyntax: KXicq2.winconvert99b-20002 [options] <your_uin>.dat\n"; print STDERR "Extracts all UINs out of an ICQ99b-2000b database\n"; print STDERR "and OVERWRITES ~/.kde/share/apps/kxicq2/contacts.kxicq\n"; print STDERR "\nThe .dat-file is usually located in: <your_win_drive>/Program Files/icq/2000b/\n"; print STDERR "\noptions:\n"; print STDERR " -v verbose\n"; print STDERR "\n"; exit 0; } # get owner uin # # NOT IMPLEMENTED will add yourself to list now ;) # # import users $count=0; open(OUTFH, ">$fnUsers") || die "can't open '$fnUsers' for writing.\nMissing directory ? try starting kxicq and close it again then run the script.\n"; readFile($fn); # Add Deafult and group info print OUTFH "[Default]\nContacts="; @list=sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %uins); $i=1; foreach $key (@list) { print OUTFH "$key,"; } print OUTFH "Count=$count\n"; print OUTFH "Group Id Count=0\n"; print OUTFH "Count=$count\n\n"; print OUTFH "[Groups]\n"; print OUTFH "Default Open=true\n"; print OUTFH "Wait Authorization Open=true\n"; close(OUTFH); print "$count users add.\n" if $verbose>=1; print "NOTE: This script doesn't support all user information fields.\n"; sub readFile() { my $fn=shift; open(INFH, "<$fn") || die "can't open file '$fn'\n"; binmode INFH; # for M$... $key=""; $pos=0; print "reading" if $verbose==1; nextChar(); while (nextPair()) { if ($field==0) { if ($values[0]!=$own_uin && ($values[1] || $values[2])) { if (!$uins{$values[0]}) { $uins{$values[0]}=1; $count++; } # write to file if ($verbose>=2) { print "uin : $values[0]\n"; print "display name : $values[1]\n"; print "nick name : $values[2]\n"; print "first name : $values[3]\n"; print "last name : $values[4]\n"; print "email : $values[5]\n\n"; } my $fnUIN=$pathUsers.$values[0].".uin"; if (!-f $fnUIN) { print OUTFH "[Contact $values[0]]\n"; print OUTFH "Authorized=true\n"; print OUTFH "Nick=$values[2]\n"; print OUTFH "UIN=$values[0]\n\n"; } # end of writing file } @values=(); } } close(INFH); print "\n" if $verbose==1; } sub nextPair() { do { nextKey(); return 0 if (eof(INFH)); } while (!$key); if ($c eq "k") { nextChar(); readString(); } elsif ($c eq "i") { read(INFH, $buffer, 4); $value=unpack("V", $buffer); nextChar(); } $values[$field]=$value; return 1; } sub nextKey() { while (ord($c)!=0) { nextChar(); } nextChar(); my $s=""; while (ord($c)!=0) { $s.=$c; nextChar(); } for ($i=0; $i<=$#fieldNames; $i++) { if ($fieldNames[$i] eq $s) { nextChar(); # type $key=$s; $field=$i; return 1; } } $key=""; return 0; } sub nextChar() { $c=getc(INFH); print "." if ($verbose==1 && $pos%10000==0); $pos++; } sub readString() { $value=""; my $len=ord($c); nextChar(); return 0 if $c!=0; nextChar(); return 1 if ($len==0); my $i; for ($i=0; $i<$len-1; $i++) { return 0 if (ord($c)==0); $value.=$c; nextChar(); } return 0 if $c!=0; return 1; }